Kinds of Diction

Kinds of Diction:
 Kinds of diction available to poetry:
i)   Vulgage (speech not much affected by schooling).  Handbooks of grammar sometimes distinguish various levels of diction.
A short of ladder is imagined, on whose rungs words, phrases and sentences maybe ranked in an ascending order of formality, from the curses of an illiterate thug to the commencement day address of a doctor of divinity. These levels range from one vulgate through colloquial.
ii)  Colloquial:
The casual conversation or informal writing of literate people.
iii) General English:
Most literate speech and writing, more studied than colloquial but not pretentious, up to formal English.
iv) Formal English:
 The impersonal language of education /educated persons, usually only written, possibly spoken on dignified occasions.


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