Language of The Poetry

Language of the poetry includes the choice of words or diction, kinds of diction as well as slur ions.

1. Nature of Diction:

If a poem says Daffodils instead of plant life coma diapers years instead of infancy, we call it diction our choice of words concrete rather than abstract.

2. Kinds of diction:

i. Concrete words
ii. Abstract words

I). Concrete words:
Concrete words refer to what we can immediately perceive with our senses: dog actor, chemical are particular individuals who belong to those general classes: Bonza the fox terror, Clint Eastwood, hydrogen sulphate.

II). Abstract words:

Abstract words Express ideas are concepts: love, time, truth. In abstracting we leave out some characteristics found in each individual, and instead observed a quality common to many. For example the word beauty may be observed in numerous persons, places and things.


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