Drug Addiction OR Narcotic Drugs

Narcotic drugs and medicines which are used for intoxication without medical advice. Opium, wine, tobacco, cocaine and morphine are used as drugs but heroin is the most harmful drug of the all. It is a very costly and adjective drug. A man may become addicted to it within a few days.

Drug addiction causes deterioration of body and mind. It damages our lungs, heart and kidney. It causes various diseases like tuberculosis and cancer. Drugs convert youngsters into passive idlers. It get a temporary failure but a permanent disease and engulf them through a slow death. Though its influence on our body and mind is captivating yet it is a poison that cripples the whole of our body and soul.

Drug addiction also morally corrupts the people. A drug addict cannot live without drugs . When he is unable to purchase costly drugs, he becomes a criminal, a robber or a thief to get money for drugs. Intoxication becomes the chief objective of his life. He lost his all interest in everything else and forget family, morality and social responsibilities. As he becomes a diseased part of a Civil Society, he has to be operated upon.

Usually, people fall a prey to drug - addiction in order to "get pleasure and forget worries". They do not have courage enough to face the reality of life. They try to escape into the world of dreams by using drugs. The youngsters are severely depressed due to social injustice, violation of merit, unemployment, mental worries, and financial problems. Some of them lack will - power and get frustrated soon. The either become drug addicts or commit suicide.

Drug abuse is not a regional problem. This is an international issue. The drug Mafia is well knit and well protected throughout the world. Many political and official figures have their links with the drug Mafia and are involved in this ugly business directly or indirectly. The person who opposes them is killed. Various Government and non government organisations have adopted a large number of measures to uproot the evil culture of drugs but all in vain. At present, more than 25 million people are drug addicts in the world.

The future of a nation depends on its young generation. Adequate measures should be taken, at the earliest, to save our youth from the menace of heroin. It is the duty of every member of a Civil Society to wage a war against drug abuse. Social justice and economics security should be established in the society. The medical, the psychiatric and the sociological specialist should be appointed to look after drug addicts in government hospitals. Drug traffickers should be given severe punishment.


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