
My Hobby OR My Past Time OR My Leisure Time

My Hobby
My Past Time
My Leisure Time

Hobby is a useful work which is done in spare time for pleasure without any monetary benefit . This occupation is different from the regular profession . It is pursued only for recreation . After hard labour, hobby provides us a cheap source of amusement . It saves us from the dull routine of life . It gives us an activity when we have nothing to do .

There are many hobbies like gardening stamp collecting, coin collecting, photography, reading etc . Everyone uses his hobby according to his taste . Gardening is my favourite hobby . I want to relax after eight days hard labour . Gardening makes me forget my worries and refreshes my mind .

I have a beautiful lawn in my house, whenever I can spare time I take interest in cultivating beautiful flowers in it . I have grown flower plants of rose Lily and Sunflower . The sweet smell of the flowers gives me a great pleasure . There is always something fresh before my eyes . It keeps me healthy , happy and fresh for the days labour . It is also a source of physical exercise .

I have the tools of the gardener . I have to do a lot of work with my on hands . I prepare the land and manure it . I water my plants regularly and protect them from the extreme weather . I have prepared many beds in it . Each bed contains flowers of different shapes and colours . I have also grown vegetables for our daily use . So, we do not purchase vegetables from the market .

Gardening is my passion . It inspires me to do something new . Whenever I cast a glance over my small beautiful lawn, my heart blossoms . With every new flower, there is a new happiness . I keenly observe the process of growth and decay in nature and praise The Majesty of God . My hobby, gardening, keeps me in touch with nature and God .


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