Unit #4 First Aid (Questions and Answers)


Unit #4
First Aid
Questions and Answers
1.   What is this lesson about?
 This time does how to give first aid to an injured or sick person.
2.   What do you do understand by First Aid?
 Emergency medical treatment given to an injured or sick person before thorough medical aid is called first aid.
3.   Have you ever given first aid to anyone?
 No, I have never got such a chance.
4.   You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped? Why?
 We should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped because this may damage or dislodge the clot that is forming and cause bleeding to resume.
5.   Why is it necessary to keep away soap from the wound?
 The soap can irritate the wound. so, it is necessary to keep away it from the wound.
6.   How is an antibiotic cream or ointment good in healing the wound?
 An antibiotic cream or ointment keeps the surface voiced and helps body's natural healing process work fast.
7.   What should you do if you are allergic 2 adhesive material used in most bandages?
 In this case, I should use adhesive free dressings or sterile gauze held in place with paper taped, gauze roll or a loosely applied elastic bandage.
8.   When do you need to see a doctor?
 If the wound is not healing or we notice any redness, increasing pain, drainage, warmth or swelling, we need to see a doctor.
9.   What should your first aid kit consist of?
 The first aid kit should consist of the following things:
 1 first aid book 2 band AIDS 3 elastic bandages 4 gauze and Adhesive tape 5 antiseptic wipes and cotton wool 6 safety pins and tweezers 7 scissors 8 latex gloves 9 calamine lotion 10 clinical thermometer 11 analgesic tablets 


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