A letter to your friend who is a book - worm advising him to take part in games.


A letter to your friend who is a book - worm advising him to take part in games.

Examination Hall,
December 10.2017

Dear Shafique,
I wrote a letter to you a week ago but did not receive any reply so far. Perhaps you did not find a few moments to write to me. Your zeal شوق for studies has increased too much and you have become a book – warm. I am told that you always remain confined میں قید your study - room and pour over مطالعہ کرنا books. This is not a good habit. Excess of work will tell upon برا اثر ڈالنا  your health. Human body is just like a machine which naturally needs rest, fuel and repair for maintenance بقا کے لئے. Similarly, games are essential for the maintenance of health as studies are for gaining knowledge. A sound body has a sound mind. Therefore, I press you to take part in games to keep yourself physically fit. Get up early in the morning, go for a walk and take some light exercise daily.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,


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