A letter to your friend congratulation him on his brilliant success in the examination.


A letter to your friend congratulation him on his brilliant success in the examination

A letter to your friend congratulation him on his brilliant success in the examination.


Examination Hall,


December 10.2021


My dear Asif,

My happiness knew no bounds to see your name in the merit list which was published with the result in “The News” today. I extend my heartiest congratulations to you on your brilliant success in the examination. It is a proud moment for your parents. Please do congratulate them on my behalf.

A letter to your friend congratulation him on his brilliant success in the examination

You have brought great honour to your parents and to your college. I hope that your brilliant success will prove to be the beginning of an outstanding and brighter career of studies in future.

My parents also send their heartiest congratulations to you.

With love,

Yours sincerely,



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