Drug Addiction (Grade - 9) Lesson - 10


Lesson No. 10              

Drug Addiction
1)   What are the effects of drug addiction?
Ans: The effects of drug addiction are very harmful. It destroys a man physically and mentally.
2)   What are the causes of drug addiction?
Ans: Environmental factors, social factors, bad company and dissatisfaction are the causes of drug addiction.
3)   What important role do the rehabilitation centers play to control drug addiction?
Ans: Rehabilitation centers look after the victims. Complete medical help and guidance is provided here.
4)   What is the role of counseling in preventing drug addiction?
Ans: Counseling plays a very important role in preventing drug addiction. It provides proper guidance to victims for recovery.
5)   Why do families feel reluctant to take the drug victims to drug rehabilitation centers?
Ans: The families feel it a taboo to share problems with others. They fell reluctant due to fear of being called outcast.
6)   What are the responsibilities of families to ensure complete recovery of such patients?

Ans: Families must critically watch and counsel them for complete recovery.


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