Why Boys Fail In College


C H A P T E R - 3

Why Boys Fail In College


1.   According to the author, there are some boys war fail because they do not try. Who are they?
2.   How Aves a mistaken ambition on the part of boys and their parents lead to the boys? How are Sometimes parents responsible for the failure of their sons?
3.   There are Some boys who have done well at school but fail to make their mark at college. Who are they?
4.   How does financial pressure lead to the failure of students described in the lesson? OR How do poor students meet their expenses?
5.   To what extent does the question of health lead to failure at college? OR How far can the college authorities with their medical officer’s help students in such cases? OR what are the various diseases the boy suffers from?
6.   What place would you accord to sports in college?
7.   There are some students who join college for the fun of it. Should they be allowed to Stay? OR How Should the lazy bluffers be treated?


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