The Theme / The Central Idea ( Sindhi Women)


The Theme / The Central Idea (Sindhi Women)

The poet describes a Sindhi woman. He likes her steady and regular gait. She is walking straight through stones, household waste, dung and the bits of glass. She with a jar on her head is walking straight. While on the other hand, the poet has got a though he carries no weight. The poet learns that the persons who face difficulties are able to walk with their heads erect.

The poet says that, a poor woman crosses the Karachi slums. She has no shoes. She carries a jar of water on her head. Bur she walks smoothly. A veil covers her face. She has a strong body and a strong back. The poet’s back is bent. He learns from this experience that hardships make us stronger “Comfort calm our ambition.” They slam the door of progress on us. Those who learn to work hard enjoy good health. And health is a manifold blessing. Poor hard workers are the real rich people of the world. She is picture of patience and sacrifice.

..... E N D .....


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