The Theme / The Central Idea (Leisure)


The Theme / The Central Idea (Leisure)

Modern age is the age of materialism. In order to get worldly comforts, we have made our life all the more miserable. We remain busy in an accumulating and squandering money day in and day out. The more we earn money the more problems we gather around us. We do not have enough time to enjoy the natural beauty that spreads all around us. We do not have time to see Green Fields, high mountains, streams, starry sky, beautiful song birds, plants laden with flowers and fruits and even the smiling face of a beautiful woman. We have lost our peace of mind and spiritual pleasure. The poet says that life is useless and worthless if it is full of worldly problems and is devoid of natural and human beauty. He feels that life must be enjoyed in a leisurely manner.

..... End .....


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