

14. Over Coat


Short Questions and Answers

Q/1: What was the colour of the overcoat of going man?

Ans: The colour of the young man’s overcoat was brown.

Q/2: What was his appearance?

Ans: His hair was sleek and shining. He had kept sideburns. He had a thin moustache. He wore a brown overcoat. He had a rose in a button hole. He also wore a green flat-hat.

Q/3: Why did the people come out on the Mall?

Ans: The people came out on the Mall to walk actively and to keep warm. As their bodies became active, they felt warm.

Q/4: What were ten people wearing who came on the Mall?

Ans: Most of them were wearing different kinds of overcoats-from the astrakhan اسٹراکحن to the rough military khaki.

Q/5: Why was the cat shivering?

Ans: The cat was shivering with cold.

Q/6: Why did the driver of the truck speed away after the accident?

Ans: Because he feared that if he was caught he would be challenged and arrested.

Q/7: Who took the young man after accident to the hospital?

Ans: The passerby loaded the young man in a car and took him to a nearby hospital.

Q/8: What was playing in one of the restaurant?

Ans: An orchestra was playing in one of the restaurants.



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