Idioms and Phrases ( Group - S )



See off الوداع کہنا

I went to the station to see off my brother.

Set in شروع ہونا

The rainy season has set in.

Stand by ساتھ دینا

We should stand by the poor.

Smell a rat دال میں کچھ کالا ہونا

I smell a rat in your proposal.

Snake in the grass چھپا دشمن

Aslam is a snake in the grass.

Storm in a tea cup فضول سی بات پر ہنگامہ

Their protest is only a storm in a teacup.

Set up لگانا

Do you know how to set up a tent?

Scot – free سزا سے بچ جانا

Others were punished, while he got scot free.

Spick and span چست / صاف وشفاف

He looks spick and span in his new dress.

They keep their room spick and span.

Small talk گپ شپ

They pass their spare time in small talk.

Safe and sound صحیح سلامت

They reached their destination safe and sound.

Set by کچھ بچا کر رکھنا

Set by some money for the rainy days.

See through بھانپ لینا

They saw through my plan.

Sum and substance خلا صہ

Give me sum and substance of the story.

Send for بلا بھیجنا

Please send for the doctor as mother is ill.

Set asideمنسوخ / مسترد کرنا                     

The judge has set aside his bail.

Set off /out روانہ ہونا

They set off (out) for Lahore.



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