Idioms and Phrases ( Group - P )



1.   Part and parcel لازمی جزو

Religion is a part and parcel of our life.

2.   Pay lips service زبانی جمع خرچ کرنا

They only pay lips service to religion.

3.   Put down دبا دینا

The revolt was put down with an iron hand.

4.   Put on پہننا

She put on her best clothes for the party. 

5.   Put off ٹا لنا / ملتو ی کر نا

Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

6.   Put out بجھا دینا

Please put out the candle.

7.   Play truant پڑھائی سے بھا گنا

Many careless students play truant from the class.

8.   Put the cart before the horse الٹا کام کرنا

They put the cart before the horse when they opened a school in a small building.

9.   Put up with کے پا س رہنا

During the holydays, I put up with my brother at Lahore.

10.Play with fire خطرہ مول لینا

We should not play with fire in any case.

11.Pros and cons اچھے اور برئے پہلو

We need to look at the pros and cons of our plan.

12.Pass on منتقل کر نا

The mother passed on her skills to her daughter.

13.Pass away مر نا

His father passed away last year.

14.Poke one`s nose خواہ مخواہ د خل د ینا

Don’t poke your nose into my affairs.

15.Pay through the nose بہت زیادہ قیمت ادا کرنا

He had to pay through the nose to buy this house.



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