1 - Button, Button
By: Richard Matheson
Short Questions and Answers
Q/1: Why did Norma consider پر غور the tone and attitude رویہ of Mr. Steward offensive ناگوار?
Ans: She considered them offensive because Mr. Steward tried to impose himself on Norma.
Q/2: Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?
Ans: Arthur disagreed with his wife because she wanted to get the prize and did not care if an unknown person died on pushing the button.
Ans: Arthur disagreed with his wife because he thought it immoral.
Q/3: Why did Norma persuade her husband to agree with her?
Ans: Norma persuaded her husband to agree with her because she wanted to get the reward of 50,000 dollars.
Q/4: What were the reasons Norma gave to her husband to accept the offer?
Ans: Norma said that they could make a trip to Europe and buy a cottage on the island, buy new flat, nice furniture, nicer clothes, and a car.
Q /5: Why did Mr. Steward continue persuading Norma?
Ans: Mr. Steward continued persuading Norma because he noticed that she had been intrigued by the offer.
Ans: Mr. Steward continued persuading Norma to push the button because he wanted to have people killed in this terrorist way.
Q /6: What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?
Ans: On pushing the button Norma received the message on telephone that her husband, Arthur, had died in a train accident.
Q /7: What is the significance of Arthur `s life-insurance policy?
Ans: Its significance is that his wife was to receive his insurance money of 25,000 dollars with double indemnity.
Q /8: Did Norma remain normal on hearing the news of the accident of her husband?
Ans: No, on hearing the news of the accident of the husband, Norma became abnormal.
Related Post: Button,Button (Important Paragraphs With Urdu Translation)


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