Poem No.8





The ironic poem Ozymandias written by Percy Bysshe Shelley describes the pride of man and the wretched reality of his life. Man becomes proud by success. The poet invites our attention to the transitory aspects of life with the help of a statue.


Q /1: What is the theme/moral/message of the poem` `Ozymandias``?


         What moral lesson do we learn from the poem` `Ozymandias``?


         What kind of feelings does the poem``Ozymandias``create in the reader’s mind?

Ans: The poet suggests that death is a great leveler. It puts an end to all type of honor, glory and pride. All feelings of superiority in man are only an illusion. Man should live in humble manner. He should become a humble servant of Allah.

Q /2: What did the traveler see in the desert?

Ans: The traveler saw the statue of a king in a desert. Its legs were standing in sand. The face was all broken.

Q /3: Who was Ozymandias?

And: Ozymandias was a great king. He ruled the people with full power and glory. He was very proud.

Q /4: Who wrote the poem 'Ozymandias`?

Ans: The poem `Ozymandias written by P.B.Shelley.

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