Idioms and Phrases ( Group - B )

1.       Back up تا ئید کر نا                                           
She refused to back up his plan.
2.       Bad blood رنجش ہونا 
There is much bad blood between them.
3.       Bag and baggage مع سامان ، بوریا بستر سمت
He left the house bag and baggage
4.       Bed of roses پھو لو ں کئ سیج
Life is not a bed of roses.
5.       Better half جیون ساتھی
His better half is a teacher.
6.       Bird’s eye view سرسرئ نظر                                           
This book gives a bird`s eye view of the war.
7.       Black sheep نکما / عیار / بد معاش
Ali is the black sheep of the family.
8.       Bolt from the blue اچانک مصیبت
The loss of his job was a bolt from the blue.
9.       Bosom friend گہرا دوست
Ali is my bosom friend.
10.   Break the news بری خبر پہنچانا
Ali broke the news of his father`s death to her mother.
11.   Break the ice خاموشئ توڑنا
She started talking to break the ice
12.   Break away سے آزاد ہو جانا
The thief broke away from the police officer.
13.   Break into نقب لگا نا
The robbers tried to break into the bank.
14.   Break with دوستی ختم کر دینا
He will break with those people.
15.   Bring up پرورش پانا
He brought up in a noble family.
16.   Bring to light سامنے لا نا
We should bring to light the work of our great leader.
17.   Bring to book سزا کو پہنچانا  
The government should bring to book all corrupt people.
18.   Bury the hatchet دوستی ختم کر نا
Both the friends have buried the hatchet.
19.   Burning question اھم ترین مسلہ
Kashmir is a burning question for us.
20.   By hook or by crook جائز اور نا جا ئز طر یقہ سے
He passed the examination by hook or by crook.
21.   By fits and starts بے قا عدگی سے
We should not work by fits and starts.
22.   By and large مجموعی طور پر
By and large, mothers control the house.
23.   Brocken reed  بے کار سہارا
All his friends proved a broken reed in his times of trouble.
24.   Blow hot and cold تذ بذ ب میں پڑنا         
If you want to win the war, you must not blow hot and cold.
25.   Break down خراب ہو جانا
He broke the door down.
26.   Break out اچانک شروع ہوجانا
War broke out in 1965.
Fire broke out in the shop last night.
27.   Break the news بری خبر پہنچا نا
Ali broke the news of his father`s death to his mother.
28.   Bring in منا فع دینا
His property brings in Rs.50000/- a year.
29.   Bed of roses پھولوں کی سیج
Life is not a bed of roses for a poor man.                
30.   Bed of thorns کانٹوں کا بستر
Life is a bed of thorns for a hard-working student.
31.   Beat about the bush ادھر آدھر کی باتیں کرنا       
Do not beat about the bush and come to the point.  
32.   Bread and butter روزی
Teaching is their bread and butter.
33.   Burn one`s candle at both ends اپنی طاقت خرچ کرنا
You will fall ill if you burn your candle at both ends.
34.   Burn the mid night oil رات گۓ تک پڑھنا / کام کرنا
They burn the midnight oil to get the first position.
35.   Break into نقب لگانا         
The thieves broke into the house last night.
36.   Bent on اپنی بات پر مصرھونا / تلے ہونا
She is bent on becoming a great writer.                     
37.   Between the devil and the deep sea دو بیکار راستوں کے درمیان
I am between the devil and the deep sea about these choices.
38.   Bear fruit پھل پا نا
At last his efforts bore fruit.
39.   By and large مجموعی طور پر
By and large, honest people are liked everywhere.
40.   Bear away the palm انعام جیتنا
Ali bore away the palm in college games.
41.   Between two fires دوہرے خطرات میں
A wise arbitrator (ثالثی) always avoids between two fires.
42.   Bone of contention فسا د کی جڑ
Kashmir is a bone of contention between Pakistan and India.
43.   Blue blood معزز خاندان کا 
He is so noble that he seems to have blue blood in his veins.
44.   Bell the cat         خطرہ مول لینا
Who will bell the cat to report his corruption?
45.   Bear out کی تصدیق کرنا    
As he is a liar, I cannot bear out his statement.           
46.   By leaps and bounds بہت تیزی سے
Pakistan is taking progress by leaps and bounds.
47.   By and by جلد/ جلدی
She will come back by and by.


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