A Greedy Dog (Standard)


A Greedy Dog (standard)

Once a dog was very hungry. In search of food he happened to pass by a butcher`s shop. He stole a piece of meat from there. He wanted to eat it all alone. Therefore, he ran to the jungle to find some safe place. After covering a short distance, he reaches a stream. There was bridge over it. He began to cross the bridge. He stopped for a while in the middle of the bridge. He looked into the water of the stream. He saw his own reflection in the water.  He took it for another dog with a piece of meat. The dog was very greedy. He wanted to snatch the piece of meat from the dog in the water. He barked at the dog in the water. As soon as he opened his mouth, his on peace of meat fell down into the water. He became angry. He, at once, jumped into the water to fight with that dog. As soon as he did so, his reflection in the water disappeared. He could find neither the dog nor his own piece of meat. Therefore, he had to remain hungry.


  • Greed is a curse.
  • Something is better than nothing.
  • All covet, all lose.
  • Do not be greedy.


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