A Fox / Vixen and The Grapes (Standard)


A Fox / Vixen and The Grapes (standard)

It was a very hot day in summer. A fox was very hungry. He did not get anything to eat. He wandered here and there in search of food but could not succeed. At last, he went to an orchard. He saw there ripe grapes hanging from grapevine. He thought that he would get something to eat from there. His mouth began to water at the thought of delicious and juicy grapes. He jumped up to get the grapes but could not reach them. He jumped again and again but could not succeed in getting the grapes. The Grapes were too high for him. At last, he was disappointed and gave up the attempt. He left the orchard sadly. To keep up appearances and to console his sad heart, he said,” The grapes are unripe and sour and are not worth – eating”. I do not like them. Saying so he went away.


  • The grapes are sour.
  • People pretend to dislike what they cannot get.


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